Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution 500mL
Product Registration Number: GC925641108918
Product Features and Benefits:
- Advanced cold regimen for soft and hard contact lenses.
- Extra comfort for sensitive eyes.
- Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution with HPMC allow more comfortable lenswear by retaining moisture preventing dryness. HPMC forms a lubricating shield on the lens. Keeps in moisture and lubricates the lens thus giving long lasting comfort to your eyes.
- Removes and releases protein from the lens. Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution has high ionic molecules which combine with protein's charged molecules, enhance the release of protein deposits from the lens.
- Thimerosal and chlorhexidine free.
- pH as natural as your own tears.
- So gentle that it can be used without a separate rinser.
- Improved comfort formula.
- Comfort enhancing.
- Cleaning.
- Disinfecting.
- Storing.
- Rinsing.
- Wetting and lubricating.
- Protein removing.
- For all types of contact lenses.
- Ideal for sensitive eyes.
Directions For Use:
(a) No rub application, for soft lenses replaced in 30 days or less.
- Before handling contact lenses, wash and dry hands thoroughly.
- Remove right lens from the eye.
- Rinse lens thoroughly with Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution to remove debris.
- Store the lenses in appropriate lens case and fill with Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution.
- Allow the lenses to soak for at least 4 hours for disinfection, cleaning and the removal of protein.
- Prior to reapplying the lenses, rinse thoroughly with fresh Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution.
- Repeat the steps with the left lens.
(b) Rub application.
- Clean and remove protein by placing a few drops of Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution to the lens.
- Rub the lens gently for approximately 20 seconds either on the palm using the forefinger of the other hand or between the thumb and forefinger.
- Rinse lens thoroughly with Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution to remove debris.
- Store the lenses in appropriate lens case and fill with Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution.
- Allow the lenses to soak for at least 10 minutes to ensure proper disinfection.
- To enhance the removal of protein from the lenses, store the lenses in Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight.
- Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution will rewet and lubricate the lenses this giving extra comfort to your eyes.
A sterile aqueous, isotonic solution containing sodium chloride, potassium chloride, disodium edetate and power packed combination of 4 ingredients which combine polyhexanide, poloxamer, hypromellose and sodium phosphate buffer.
- Do not mix with other fluids except as directed.
- Do not use if allergic to any of the declared ingredients in the product.
- Do not use concurrently with any eye medicament except on medical advice.
- If eye irritation occurs or persists, discontinue use, remove lenses and consult your eye care practitioner.
- Do not use with any heat disinfecting method.
- Do not reuse Airé Plus Multi-Purpose Solution.
- Store at room temperature (15-30°C), away from direct sunlight.
- Do not freeze.
- Screw back the cap tightly after use.
- Once opened, it is recommended to discard any unused solution after 90 days.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not resterilize.
- Do not use if seal is broken.