Duphalac Lactulose Oral Solution 200mL

Product Registration Number: MAL19921431XZ

Duphalac® is an osmotic laxative with lactulose that works by increasing volume of colonic content, which helps to stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation. Lactulose is poorly absorbed and instead broken down in the colon by bacteria, into low-molecular organic acids and increases the volume of colonic content that helps to soften and move stools.

Duphalac® relief constipation for all ages:

  • Suitable for pregnant mothers, children, elderly and diabetic patient
  • Prebiotic effect - support gut health by supporting the growth of good bacteria
  • No preservatives
  • Non habit forming
  • Tastes like honey - palatable and better compliance


  • Adult: Starting dose: 15-45mL, 3 times daily. Maintenance: 15-30mL, once daily. 
  • Children 7-14 years old: Starting dose: 15mL 3 times daily. Maintenance: 10-15mL, once daily. 
  • Children 1-6 years old: Starting dose: 5-10mL, 3 times daily. Maintenance: 5-10mL, once daily. 
  • Infant: Starting dose: Up to 5mL, 3 times daily. Maintenance: Up to 5mL, once daily.