Product Registration No.: GA4545124-166119

Blood PS Love Knee Heat Pain Relief Patch is a drug-free heat patch for knee and joint relief.

KneeHeat is the ultimate knee and joint pain essential, made to provide natural, all-day relief! Designed to heat up within 5 minutes, it reduces knee and joint pain by delivering optimum heat therapy to promote blood flow and reduce muscle tension.

Product Features:

  • 100% drug-free
  • Last up to 12 hours
  • Easy to use, odorless & discreet

Directions for use:

  • Tear open packaging. (Upon contact with air, Knee Heat will heat up on its own within 5 mins).
  • Place Knee Heat on the affected area and strap the band around your knee to secure pad in place.
  • After every hour of use, remove product for at least 5 minutes to let your skin rest.