Similac NeoSure Post-Discharge Infant Formula 850g (For Preterm and/or Low Birth Weight Infants)

Similac® NeoSure® is a post-discharge infant formula intended for preterm and/or low birth weight infants who require transition formula at discharge from hospital. 

Suggested Feeding Schedule:

Approximate Weight of Baby Warm Water (Previously Boiled), mL Number of Level Scoops Number of Feedings Per 24 Hours
<3.6kg 60 1 8-10
3.6-4.3kg 120 2 6-7
4.5-5kg 120 2 6-7
5-8kg 180 3 5-6
>8kg 180 3 4-5

Mothers are encouraged to exclusively breastfeed their children from birth until 6 months and continue to breastfeed until 2 years of age. Complementary foods should be introduced when the baby is 6 months old. Infants over 6 months should receive complementary foods in addition to Similac® NeoSure®.

Consult healthcare professional about how much your baby should be consuming, especially for baby weighing less than 2.5kg. This chart is based on estimated average intakes and may not be appropriate for your baby's growth. 


  • Store unopened tin under normal room temperature conditions.
  • Cover opened tin and store in cool, dry place under normal room temperature conditions.  
  • Once tin is opened, contents should be used within 3 weeks. 
  • If you prepare more than one feeding, it must be refrigerated and used within 24 hours. Once feeding begins, use within 1 hour or discard. 


  • Please follow the instructions for preparation and storage on this label carefully. Incorrect preparation may cause health risk on your child. 
  • Never use a microwave oven to warm formula. Serious burns can result.
  • Powdered infant formulas are not sterile and should not be fed to premature infants or infants who might have immune problems unless directed and supervised by your baby's health professional. 
  • Once prepared, infant formula can spoil quickly. Either feed immediately or cover and store in refrigerator at 2-4°C for no longer than 24 hours. 
  • Do not use prepared formula if it is unrefrigerated for more than a total of 2 hours. 
  • Do not freeze prepared formula. 
  • After feeding begins, use formula within 1 hour or discard.